05.2024: open research assistant (Hiwi) position at Prof. Hoffmann’s lab @ MED, OvGU

topic: Non-invasive electrophysiological recordings from the human visual system in normal subjects and patients

05.2024: open PhD positions at research training group SynAGE

SynAGE has been established in 2019 to investigate mechanisms of healthy synaptic ageing and is currently in its second funding period. In SynAGE, researchers at different levels of their career (MD, PhD candidates, postdocs, junior and senior PIs) work together in interdisciplinary projects to unravel fundamental mechanisms that maintain synaptic and circuit functions in the ageing brain. SynAGE provides state of the art training in translational research using molecular, cellular and systems as well as cognitive neurobiology.

04.2024: open MD positions at research training group SynAGE

Age-dependent cognitive decline, characterised by symptoms of memory impairments, deterioration of executive functions, as well as emotional and social disturbance, becomes more and more immanent and affects the quality of life of many senior citizens. SynAGE offers mutiple positions for MD students of the medical department at OvGU.