Our Mission

 © Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences, OVGU Magdeburg, Foto: D. Mahler Abteilung Genetik, LIN MagdeburgThe aim of our CBBS neuroscience graduate program (CBBS GP) is to connect students from the Otto von Guericke University (OVGU), the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). The CBBS graduate program is founded by the Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences CBBS, a central scientific institution of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Currently, more than 200 PhD students, MD students and postdocs are already registered. Under the umbrella of the Otto von Guericke Graduate Academy (OVG-GA), the CBBS GP offers assistance on arrival in Magdeburg / Germany, helps to overcome bureaucratic hurdles and gives students a guide how to shape their own career. In addition, the CBBS GP organizes German courses in various formats and creates the basis for a scientific exchange thanks to the study groups offered. In addition to the calendar, which now includes all events taking place on the medical campus, the CBBS GP tries to give an overview of the research taking place on that campus with the new ring lecture. The CBBS GP provides information about national and international job offers, including the black board with job advertisements for students, PhDs, MDs and postdocs.

To become a member of our continuously growing CBBS community, please sign in here.

Our Partners



03.09.2024  –  On September 16th, Prof. Stefan Remy will give a lecture on “Neural circutis for exploration and reward” at 3:15 p.m. @ LIN in the Ebbinghaus Hall. Further details can be found here. One month later, October 15th, Prof. Heinz Beck from the University of Bonn will introduce “Mechanisms of Precise Memories” also at LIN. Further details can be found here.

16.07.2024  –  On September 9th to 11th, 2024 the International Syntophagy SymposiumAutophagy: Membrane trafficking processes underlying presynaptic proteostasis” will take place in Magdeburg. Abstracts can be submitted until August 10th!

27.06.2024  –  On Monday, 1st of July, 2024 the kick-off meeting for the new initiative “PsychCircuits – Building Bridges for Mental Health” is happening at the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN). You are invited to join the talk of our speaker from The University of Iowa, Ted Abel, to learn more about the PsychCircuits initiative, to engage in discussions during the poster session and the vote for the poster prize.

10.06.2024  –  The renowned expert in innovation management and director of the Hasso Plattner Institute New York, Dr. Joann Halpern, will give a lecture on Design Thinking at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg on June 20, 2024. This event is part of the traditional public “Otto von Guericke Lecture”. Details can be found here.

03.06.2024  –  Starting in the coming winter semester 2024/25, the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg will be offering Germany’s first English-language bachelor’s degree program in “Biomedical Sciences”. The program is planned for six semesters and has restricted admission. For the first time, this new program will provide a fundamental understanding of how our body works – from molecules to behavior – entirely in the scientific language of English. For genreal information please check here, while more details on admission etc. can be found here.

22.05.2024  –  The DFG-funded Research Training Group SynAGE is hiring 13 new PHD students as well as 13 MD students starting in January 2025 and October 2024, respectively. Further information can be found here.